Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Statement of Intent- Theme 2


Architectural (Built Environment)

Intentions/purpose of photography to be undertaken

I aim to be able to take photographs of old buildings that date back hundreds of years. For this I will be mainly focusing on buldings that have been around for a very long time as most of them become degraded which means there is opportunity for some great photographs. I also intend to be able to do research on this subject and be able to read the photographers photographs to a point where I can attempt to create my own style of photograph which is similar to there work.

Reasons for selection of theme

I have chosen this theme because it is also another style of photography that not only inspires and interests me but also requires a skill to be able to take fantastic shots in this genre. I feel that this will be a challenge for me as I have not attempted this type of photography before, which is a good thing as I would also like to take this type of photography further in years to come. I also feel that the research that goes along with this theme is very interesting and will be really good to try and match certain photographers work. For example photographers like Tim Loveless, Ian Aiken and Andy Marshall who are all architectural photographers deeply inspire me to attempt this type of photography.

The photo imaging equipment and medium that will be used and why

Again, like I have stated on my previous statement of intent I will be using my Canon 1000D camera. I will be using this because it is the only camera I have and it will be very good practise to attempt a different style of photography from my first theme. Again I will also be taking my tripod with me just incase I require it for any particular shots. I will also be taking a spare battery and memory card with me aswell just incase I run out of battery or space on my memory card whilst out on a photoshoot.

Techniques that will be used and how they will help convey the visual message

For this I will be doing different types of shot when shooting these old buildings. For some shots I will be standing head on to the building to attempt different types of composition. By this I mean I will be concentrating on colour, scale and shape etc when taking my photographs to put forward a visual message about the particular building. This will be great for my theme as all the buildings I will be shooting will be very old so it should be interesting when creating a visual message. I will also be attempting photographs from different angles on some buildings. I will be doing this to experiment on what types of photograph I will end up with when using this type of technique. When this technique is used correctly it can completely transform a photographs visual message.

Safety considerations

Safety won't be a huge issue when completing this type of photography but I will still be taking the everyday main health and safety prospects into consideration. By this I mean that I will always be wary of my location and footing when out on my photoshoot and I will be very careful if I have to take shots that are in hard to get places. The main issue which I will be taking into consideration are security rules. By this I mean I will have to be careful of what I am taking pictures of because some buildings have strict rules that no photographs are aloud to be taken of them. So I will always be looking out for signs that display that there are no photographs to be taken of the bulding.

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