Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Research - Nigel Forster

As I have included in my statement of intent I chose Nature/Landscapes as one of my photography themes. I mainly talked about doing wildlife photographs but if I had the opportunity I would like to include some stunning landscape shots so for my first research I am going to research a photographer who really does inspire me. His name is Nigel Forster. Nigel Forster takes Nature/Landscape shots from all over different parts of the world but the main photos I will be taking a look at are the ones from his Welsh photography section. The reason I am choosing this section of his photographer is because I feel they are some of his best shots.

Woodland, Llanbedr Powys
This is the first photo that I decided to choose. One word to describe this shot, beautiful. What Nigel is doing here is showing the greatness of Welsh woodlands in the spring/summer. This shot has got everything perfect included in it. It's got the right brightness alongside the correct colour for the shot and with the sun shining through the top of one of the trees it just finishes this photograph off perfectly. With this he has managed to get the shadows from the tree where the sun is shining over which improves the shot even more. This shot really does inspire me as it falls right into the area of my photography and it really does push me to go out and take shots like this. I would say this shot falls into the rule of thirds composition with the flowers in bloom mixing in with the grass, the trees in the middle and the tops of the trees with the sun at the top.

Patterns in Landscapes
This is one of my favourite shots that I came across whilst viewing Nigels work. I decided to choose this shot because it's something a bit different from the other picture I chose. The feeling I get from looking at this picture is that it is very eerie. This effect mainly comes from the big rocks in the middle of the beach and the strange patterns in the clouds and in the sand. What I also love about this picture is that he chose to have it in black and white, this also adds to the eerie effect. When it comes to changing photographs to black and white it has to be done to the correct settings otherwise the photograph will not look very good at all. Here Forster uses the black and white balance perfectly to create a stunning effect.

The Rhondda Valleys 1/200, F-Stop 14

This is one of my own shots which relates to Nigel Forsters work. I recently went down to Wales on holiday and took my camera with me because it was a perfect opportunity for some amazing photographs. We went on a trip up the hills, where I took this photograph of the Rhondda Valleys from a great height. I used a 1/200 shutter speed with 14 F-Stop to get the long distance into the shot.I feel that I have done quite well with this shot as I have managed to get the colour right with the right settings. I attempted this shot at many different settings but because it was quite light out it was hard to get the right brightness for a different effect. If I was to do this again I would explore more around the surrounding area to get some more beautiful shots.

Porthcawl, 1/320, F-Stop 16

This is one of my other favourite photographs that I took whilst in Wales. This was taken at Porthcawl in the south of Wales. What I have done here is changed the picture from colour to black and white. The reason I have done this is that I have tried to stay alongside the same lines as Nigel Forsters photograph I included earlier in this post. Alongside this I managed to get the brightness perfect. I decided to go with 1/320 shutter speed as the surrounding light was quite bright. If I was to take this photograph again I would come back when there were no people at the location. This would create a completely different photograph altogether.


  1. Hi
    I would like to see more of these images as Im sure that you have taken a few more and maybe we could choose others to complement this work.

    Your descriptive vocabulary needs to work and can you look and read the tutor site as this will help in your analysis and how to identify value to add to your own work.


  2. Hi
    Can you add the RSS feed to your blog so you can receive all the latest info about the course and forthcoming classes, etc..look on the tutor site to make sure that you have added this onto your site as soon as you can.

