Thursday, 3 March 2011


Whilst going through this course I will need a wide range of equipment so that I am able to produce good pieces of work. In this blog I will be explaining what equipment I will be using and why I am going to be using it.

Camera: Canon 1000D

Equipment Spec:

* 10.1 MP CMOS Sensor
* 7- Point Wide- Area AF
* Self- Cleaning Image Sensor
* 2.5" LCD with Live View Mode
* DIGIC III Processor

Lens: Canon Zoom Lens 18-55mm

This is the lens that I will be using. It is a Canon zoom lens 18-55mm. This lens will be used to create some great shots for both of my themes.


I don't really need to explain much as to what a tripod is but I will be using this for some of my shots to experiment with what types of different photographs I can produce with it.

Other Items

I will also be using other pieces of equipment such as a spare battery and spare memory card etc just incase I need them whilst out on a photoshoot.


  1. Hi
    It is very important we know all the gear you have but also what could you borrow from the store, what other kit would help. Ask as we have tilt shift lenses which may help you with your architectural work.


  2. Hi Steve, thankyou for the very helpful information. It would be great if I could take a look at what the store has to offer as it would help with my work quite a lot.

