Thursday, 16 June 2011

Research - Theme 2 - John Golden

For my next piece of research into this area I am going to be researching photographer John Golden. John Golden is a photographer who has taken many different beautiful photographs from many different generes. I will be researching ten different church photographs from his collection and describing how they have inspired me to attempt this type of photography.

This is the first photograph I have chosen from John's collection. As you can see the whole of the church hasn't been included in this photograph. This isn't a bad thing though as you only need a part of the church in the photograph to show its dominance and for it to portray a historic message. This one thing I love about Johns work as it is similar to mine. He heavily concentrates on angle in his work. As you can see from this photograph only a slight angle has been used. Here he concentrates more on shapes mixed with angles from the two different shapes on the church. I would also say that colour has been concentrated in this photograph from the different, bright colours on the church to the warm blues in the sky.

These three photographs have all had angles composition heavily used in them. As you can see John has stood right up next to the church and taken the photograph which includes the whole body of the church right to the top. As you can see from him doing this he manages to show the dominance of the main focal point by showing how tall the church is as they almost tower over you. Quite a lot of strong natural light has been clearly used here as there are only a few clouds in the sky in the last two photographs and no clouds in the top photograph. This is great as it brightens the main focal point showing off there true colours and patterns.

This photograph concentrates more on distance rather angle like the other photographs. As you can see John has stood quite far away from the main focal but has still managed to place it right in the centre of the photograph. Again colour has also been used here alongside natural light to brighten up the photograph and show the different colours on the church.

This next photograph takes on pretty much the same style of his other photographs. This time distance doesnt plahy a great part as he is standing quite close to the maion focal point. This as you can see enables him to gain a greater angle of the church making the whole church be a part of the photograph from bottom to top. This shows a visual message of dominace by it towering over whilst shwoing the beauty of the churches design.

This photograph takes on quite a different style to the other photographs I have chosen. As you can see this photograph is in black and white ao colour has majorly been concerned here where as the other photographs have been mainly concentrated on angles, shapes and distance. Angles have still come into play here but with the different parts of the church being at different levels of light it creates different shades of black and white.

Back to the original style of John Golden's work. Here on both of these photographs angles are the main concern. As you can see the corners of the churches stick out quite close to the viewrs eye and then the church is placed from left to right across the photographs. This is a great idea as it shows off the churches style in a different way. I would also say that patterns have been used in both photographs as you can see the design of both churches very clearly.

For the finishing photograph I have chosen one of my favourite photographs of John Goldens work. It's one of my favouites as it includes alot of different elementswhilst keeping it nice and simple. As you can see like normal, he has stood right next to the entrance of the church and taken the photograph of the whole of the churches tower so like normal angles have come into use on this photograph. Beacause he has stood so close to the main focal point you can see pretty much every little detail of the church so patterns and design have also been used here which is great as it shows the historic side of the church. To finish with colour with natural light have been mixed to create a warm photograph with a clourful blue sky which surrounds the churches exterior.

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