Thursday, 14 April 2011

Research - Theme1 - Eliot Porter

Eliot Porter is nature photographer who has travelled all over the world taking photographs of what the world nature has to offer. His photography ranges from bird photography to plants and trees from all over the world. The area that influences me the most are his photographs of trees, plants and fields. Now I won't be able to travel all over the world to attempt his photographs but I will be trying my hardest to create and copy his style of work because these are the types of nature photographs I aim to practice and shoot in the future. Below are ten photographs which I feel show nature at its full potential and why they inspire me.

This is the first photograph I have chosen from Eliots collection of work. A beautiful shot focusing on Turkeys ancient monuments and nature. This photograph heavily focuses on using color which is natural for these types of shots. The blossoming tree being the main focal point covers a majority of the photograph angelling from right to left across the shot. A pathway to the left also suggests the lines to guide the eye compositon within this photograph. Like I stated earlier colour is concentrated within this photograph from the different greens in the grass from the tree itself. This photograph was taken head on to the subject without any use of angles or tilting.

Again, this photograph is taken from the same stance, head on to the ssubject without angles or tilting. This photograph was taken in Greece. It is of a tree that stands out from the rest. This is suggested from the way this photograph is taken. It was most probably taken with a lower F-Stop so that the trees in the background are out of focus which then further makes the main focal point stand out more. Again, colour is a main factor in this shot, mainly different greens are expressed within the photograph. I would also say that symmetry is also included within this photograph from the branches from the top of the tree. Shadows are also used here from the main focal point.

This photograph includes trees but I wouldn't say that they are the main focal point in the photograph. There is a lines to guide the eye feel in this photograph from the poppy field leading upto the two trees in the background which also create a compostion of there own (frame within frame) with them almost acting as a gateway to the brighter part of the field being exposed more to sunlight. Patterns mixed with colour are also used here from the poppy's in the poppy field.

This photograph is taken in completely different weather and lighting conditions. Thnis creates a different type of photograph but colours still stand out in the shot. The flowers from the field take up most of this photograph so a low F-Stop would have been used to make them in focus. As the photograph goes on into the distance the fog starts to take over making the features in the distance hard to see or not visable at all. The mix of yellows and greens go well blending together creating a warm photograph although the weather is completely different.

Another photograph where the main focal point is centered in the middle of the shot. A great photograph that not only focuses on natural light but also conentrates on colour. With the sunlight shining directly onto the subject and the cliff in the background it suggests that there is a rear facing sun. As you can see a great deal of natural light is used within this shot creating a bright and vibrant photograph. Colour is also concentrated here using many different greens. The bottom of the tree uses very bright greens and then starts to get darker as you move up the tree. I would also say that the greens from the top of the tree blend in with the background, this creates a beautiful effect with almost matching colours.

These three photographs again have the main focal point centered in the middle of the photograph. They were taken quite close to the subject which creates a pattern effect from the branches spreading across the whole photograph. I would also say that lines are used here aswell also from the branches. Colour isn't really a factor here as the colours are very dull and do not really stand out.

Where as this photograph has to be colour concentrated.The flowers growing amongst the trees needed to stand out in this photograph to give it a little more to it rather than it being a standard photograph of the woodland area. As you can see the yellow/white petels are dotted about the photograph creating a brighter more colourful photograph. You could also say that frame within frame is used here with the two trees positione left and right of the photograph creating a gateway to the deeper part of the photograph.

Again here patterns are used from the trees positioned left to right which is what Eliot would've aimed for in this photograph. He would have been positioned quite close to the trees so the pattern would be more powerful in the photograph. Colour is also used here mixed with natural light shining onto the trees and leaves creating a bright and colourful photograph.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    A good piece of critical analysis of the images, but I have to question how good these images are, personally I feel you ought to start with charlie waite or joe cornish and also look at the work of ansel adams to really get a good grounding in the technical and creative aspects of this style of photography.

