Thursday, 3 February 2011

Assignment Decision

I have had a look through the various awards and certificates for this course and I have made my decision to go for the "Level 2 Certificate in Photo Image Capture". This certificate consists of two different units which are Unit 206 (Principles of Photo Image Capture) and Unit 211 (Photo Image Presentation).

Unit 206

This Unit consists of two parts for the task. The first part is to have two themes and produce ten images for each theme. This unit is designed so that I can show that I can take many different parts in taking a photograph into consideration and to show that I can keep to a specific theme. This unit will be great for me as I will be able to choose a lot of images to use for my work which means I can go that extra step when going out on photo shoots.

The second part to this unit is to do a written account of my work. This will mean that I will be explaining why have taken the shot and what settings I used and why I used them. This is designed to show that I can describe why I took the shot and why I used the settings I chose for the shot and maybe what the shot would've looked like with different settings.

Unit 211

This unit is also split into two different parts. The first part is to present ten thematic images. For this I can also use my images I used from my previous unit. This will be great for me as I will be able to go that extra step in presenting my images using different sorts of technology.

The second part of the unit is also a written account for the previous part. This part of the unit is designed to show that I can write about why I chose to present my images in the way that I did and maybe a few other methods of presenting images.

I have chosen this certificate because I would like to further my ability in the theme that I used for level one. In level 1 I used Rivers for my theme which would fall into landscapes theme so this time I will be doing a different type of landscape photography.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    We need to discuss your ideas more thoroughly and make sure you are heading in the right direction next time.

