Thursday, 10 February 2011

Statement of Intent



Intentions/purpose of photography to be undertaken

I aim to take beautiful shots of nature and wildlife around my area. My intentions for doing this are that there are so many great opportunities for me to do this in my area with the opportunity to take some fantastic shots.

Reasons for selection of theme

I have selected this theme as this is the type of photography that I am most I interested in. Don't get me wrong I love all sorts of photography but when I look at the works of mike McFarlane and Ansel Adams for example it just deeply inspires me to create my own fantastic shots. I have always loved taking photographs of nature and wildlife so now I want to take what I already know to the next level.

The photo imaging equipment and medium that will be used and why

I will be using my only camera which I have which is my trusty Canon 1000D this camera has proved me very well in my other shots around this area of photography so it won't let me down. Because I will be going out quite deep in to different areas of nature I will be taking a spare battery with me because I will most probably need it. I will also be taking my tripod with me aswell to improve some of my quality of shots.

Techniques that will be used and how they will help convey the visual message

For this I will be doing more than one photoshoot. What I will be trying to do is go to the same place twice both at different times of the day with a different climate. I will be doing this because I feel this gives a completely different feeling to the final images with a completely different mood to them. I will also using different methods of photography. By this I mean I will be attempting things like frame within a frame shots and shots that show the rule of thirds. I will basically be using different types of composition in my shots. This will easily help convey a visual image especially shots with the rule of thirds composition for example.

How light quality can be used to help convey the visual message

This is quite an important section especially with the theme that I have chosen. Light quality with my theme of photography could create a completely different photograph if taken once at a certain level of light and then another with a different level of light so it is vital that I get a perfect level of lighting to create some fantastic shots. Some shots for example night shots with a low level of lighting could also turn out to be quite interesting, this all depends on where and what I am photographing. Like I said in the above section I will be coming back at a different times of the day to experiment on what my shots look like with different levels of light.

Safety considerations

This is also a very important section for my theme of photography. Because I will be going out into all different types of area and terrain I will be taking someone else with me because you never know what could go wrong. I will be wearing the correct type of footwear which is appropriate to where I am going. I will also be taking a bottle of water with me swell because I could easily become fatigued when out deep in a forest or woodland etc.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Assignment Decision

I have had a look through the various awards and certificates for this course and I have made my decision to go for the "Level 2 Certificate in Photo Image Capture". This certificate consists of two different units which are Unit 206 (Principles of Photo Image Capture) and Unit 211 (Photo Image Presentation).

Unit 206

This Unit consists of two parts for the task. The first part is to have two themes and produce ten images for each theme. This unit is designed so that I can show that I can take many different parts in taking a photograph into consideration and to show that I can keep to a specific theme. This unit will be great for me as I will be able to choose a lot of images to use for my work which means I can go that extra step when going out on photo shoots.

The second part to this unit is to do a written account of my work. This will mean that I will be explaining why have taken the shot and what settings I used and why I used them. This is designed to show that I can describe why I took the shot and why I used the settings I chose for the shot and maybe what the shot would've looked like with different settings.

Unit 211

This unit is also split into two different parts. The first part is to present ten thematic images. For this I can also use my images I used from my previous unit. This will be great for me as I will be able to go that extra step in presenting my images using different sorts of technology.

The second part of the unit is also a written account for the previous part. This part of the unit is designed to show that I can write about why I chose to present my images in the way that I did and maybe a few other methods of presenting images.

I have chosen this certificate because I would like to further my ability in the theme that I used for level one. In level 1 I used Rivers for my theme which would fall into landscapes theme so this time I will be doing a different type of landscape photography.